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责任编辑:李昂中新网10月27日电 中国男篮核心球员易建联今天迎来了他的32岁生日。CBA联赛官方在社交媒体向阿联致敬:感谢有你,与中国篮球一同前行。易建联1987年10月27日出生于广东省鹤山市。2002年,15岁的他加盟广东男篮,共4次获得CBA最有价值球员、5次夺得CBA总冠军、3次获得总决赛MVP和1次拿到CBA最佳防守球员。

Simon:Personally I don’t think that the new regulation makes sense. But it reflects the mood of the politicians, the industry and probably the majority of Germans. In my opinion the German government should focus on creating a level playing field for German and foreign companies in China rather than impeding foreign and Chinese investments in Germany. I do not expect that the new rules will have much impact. There are some critical areas like infrastructure or defense where such restrictions are understandable and make sense, but for 90% of the economy they are nonsense. But I have also to criticize the Chinese. We have seen 162 acquisitions of German companies by Chinese investors in the last three years, in the opposite direction we had 32. This imbalance in the numbers as such is not a problem. The problem is rather that some of the Chinese takeovers were seen as rather aggressive and as coordinated within the “Made in China 2025”- initiative. I think that the aggressive communication of that campaign has done damage to Chinese investments abroad. Yes, China has been very successful. But I would recommend the country to boast less about this success and the ensuing strength. Chinese acquirers have often payed very high prices. While this may be advantageous for the seller, it is not perceived well by politics and the public. Why? Because overly high prices create the suspicion that these are political rather than pure business acquisitions.

